Warm Data Labs
Warm Data Labs
What is “Warm Data?”
What are “Warm Data Labs?”
Warm Data are contextual and relational information about complex systems.In other words, warm data involve transcontextual information about the interrelationships that integrate a complex system, as well as interwoven complex systems.
Warm Data Labs are group processes, which illustrate interdependency and generate understandings of systemic patterns for people with no previous exposure to systems theory. Warm Data Labs enable new societal responses to complex challenges.
Nora Bateson, the creator of the terms “Warm Data” and “Warm Data Labs”, first used the term “Warm Data” in a meeting in January, 2012. Warm Data and Warm Data Labs have now been used for more than 7 years and have reached a wide acceptance in research and science communities, as well as across public and private sectors.
The Warm Data Lab process is an exercise for use with groups, who are interested in strengthening and further practicing their collective ability to perceive, discuss, and research complex issues. By shifting perspectives through a transcontextual conversational structure, the Warm Data Lab process increases people’s abilities to respond to difficult or “wicked” issues. Because so many of the challenges that we face now are complex, we need approaches to meeting that complexity. Transcontextual interaction is the recognition that complex systems do not exist in single contexts, but rather are formed between multiple contexts that overlap in living communication and among living systems.
The Warm Data lab is a living kaleidoscope of conversation in which information and formulation of cross-contextual knowing is generated — this transcontextual information is the Warm Data. The conversational process is designed to seamlessly engage multiple theoretical principals in a practical format.
The Warm Data Lab also is a form of therapy for patients and other people who benefit from integrating their cognitive processes across multiple contexts.

[©1975 by Jeff Bloom]

[from the William Bateson Archives, University of Cambridge]
More on Warm Data…
“Warm Data” can be defined as: Transcontextual information about the interrelationships that integrate a complex system.
Warm Data is a specific kind of information about the way parts of a complex system, such as members of a family, organisms in the oceans, institutions in society, or departments of organization come together to give vitality to that system. By contrast, other data will describe only the parts, while Warm Data describes their interplay in context. Warm Data illustrates vital relationships between many parts of a system. For example, to understand a family, one must understand not only the family members, but also the relationships between them, that is, the warm data. In such cases, warm data is used to better understand and improve responses to issues that are located in the relational dynamics. Examples include understanding the systemic risks in health, ecology, economic systems, education systems and many more. The typical approach to issues decontextualizes specific information, which in turn can generate mistakes. On the other hand, warm data promotes coherent understanding of living systems.
Why Warm Data?
More on Warm Data Labs…
Warm Data Labs are exercises for use with groups, who are interested in strengthening and further practicing their collective ability to perceive, discuss, and research complex issues. By shifting perspectives, the Warm Data Lab process increases our abilities to respond to difficult or “wicked” issues. Because so many of the challenges that we face now are complex, we need approaches to meeting that complexity. Although there is a desire to reframe these complex issues in simple terms that might lend themselves to easy solutions, this usually leads to the dangers of unintended consequences of reductionism… and further problems. It is inspired by the research and ongoing development of the IBI’s work on How Systems Learn.
But, thinking in complexity requires the ability to perceive across multiple perspectives and contexts. Such an ability is not a muscle that has been trained into us in school or in the work world. It is a skill acutely needed in this era to meet our personal, professional and collective need to respond to crisis and to improve our lives.
Warm Data Labs are ideal for bringing a group together to raise the level of questions and understanding of a given topic. The Labs do not provide solutions. Rather, the Warm Data Labs are exercises that involves a group in elucidating the complexity and the possibilities for new perspectives.
How Warm Data Labs Work…
“There is growing pressure to divide and distill environmental and social issues into smallest parts and put them in separate drawers in order to understand them and to solve them. Nora’s work reveals how this mechanical approach is at the core of today’s biggest challenges that we face. She gives language and terminology to the complexity, where in order to really find new solutions, we need to re learn how we think, feel and navigate from a very different mindset. She lays ground for new insights and ways to work across climate and ecological crises.”
“One of the biggest shifts in my thinking thanks to the warm data lab has been around the nature of technology. I used to believe that technology was inherently neutral, but I now see that line of reasoning as naïve. A technology does not exist independently from its contexts. And these contexts are part of complex systems. So it’s clear to me now that we need to think hard about whether certain technologies should ever be built or released.”
Warm Data Labs
have been held over a hundred times around the world.
Some examples are:
- Harvard (including participants from Deloitte, NASA, US Army, Cigna, & more)
- Singapore: on the topic of “Sexual Consent” for women in the Islamic community, Muslim leaders, minister of security, & family therapists
- San Francisco, USA: on Addiction
- Jakarta, Indonesia: on Addiction
- Stockholm: on Immigration, Education, Health, Future of Work, Well Being in a Changing World
- London, UK: WDL on Health (with doctors and politicians/NHS)
- EU Parliament: on Democracy & Equality, with a group of 80 youth from 50 countries
Other countries where WDLs have been facilitated:
- Finland
- Mexico
- Canada
- Denmark
- Norway
- Portugal
- Australia
Do You Want to Host a
Warm Data Lab?
If you are interested in hosting a Warm Data Lab in your professionalor local community, if you are interested in the training program for becoming a certified Warm Data Lab Host, or if you are interested in continuing a conversation about Warm Data, you can contact any of the Certified Warm Data Lab Hosts/Facilitators. The members of the International Bateson Institute who are Certified Warm Data Lab Hosts/Facilitators are listed here:
- Nora Bateson – Stockholm, Sweden
- Jeff Bloom – Phoenix, Arizona, USA
- Phillip Guddemi – Sacramento, California, USA
- Göran Janson – Stockhom, Sweden
- Fanny Marell – Stockholm, Sweden
- Mai Mosli – Singapore
In addition, there are over 100 Certified Hosts/Facilitators worldwide.
For additional information, please contact:
The International Bateson Institute